Category: Roofing

Roof Repair – What You Need to Know

It takes a lot to keep your roof in tip-top shape. Even so, it’s likely that you will face Corpus Christi Roof Repair at some point.

Roof Repair

Budget-conscious homeowners hope that their roof will only need patching rather than replacement. Unfortunately, the reality is often more complicated than that. To make the right decision, you need to carefully assess your damage and take a look at the following:.

The shingles on your roof provide the first line of defense against rain, snow, and other elements that can damage your home. When installed correctly, shingles act in a unique layering pattern to keep your house dry and warm. But like all materials, shingles will eventually need to be replaced. If you don’t make the necessary repairs, your roof could become leaky and unsafe.

The most common roof repair is replacing a damaged or missing shingle. In addition to replacing a single shingle, it’s also important to examine the area around it for signs of damage or other issues that need attention. Look for cracks, holes, bare spots, or areas where the roof is soft or sagging.

If you notice any of these issues, it’s a good idea to contact a professional roofer to determine the proper course of action. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need to replace large sections of your roof or simply perform a minor repair.

Over time, shingles get battered by the weather that hits them, causing them to degrade. When this happens, the granules that protect the asphalt layer can start to erode or become dislodged. Those bare spots on your roof can expose your home to water damage and make it more susceptible to fire damage.

One of the most obvious symptoms of a damaged or missing shingle is water stains in your ceilings and walls. Water stains are an indicator of roof leaks, which can lead to serious structural damage and expensive water bills over time.

To check for leaks, use a ladder to access the roof and carefully inspect each section. Look for sagging or soft spots, which are areas where the shingles are loose and can allow rainwater or snow to seep underneath. Also look for moss and algae growth, which indicate that the roof’s protective vapor barrier is compromised.

When a shingle gets damaged or loses its granules, it’s important to replace it quickly to prevent moisture penetration and other problems. To replace a shingle, first use a flat pry bar to break the glue seal that holds it down. Then, locate the nail that runs through the shingle and remove it. Be sure to search for and remove the nails from the shingles above it as well. Finally, reseal the base of your new shingle with a bead of roof sealant.


Flashing is a strip of metal that prevents water damage by directing rainwater away from the vulnerable points of a roof. These include the seams, joints, and edges of a roof, as well as any protrusions like chimneys, vents, and skylights. Without proper flashing, these areas could leak, leading to rotten roof decking, mold, and other problems. Professional roofers install flashing in thin strips along these areas and around any roof penetrations. Flashing can be made from a number of materials, including copper roofs, galvanized steel, and aluminum roofing. However, the best material for flashing is usually copper because it offers the highest resistance to moisture. Flashing is also available in rubber and advanced synthetic materials, but these options are not ideal for Florida weather.

There are several different types of flashing, but most are long sections of metal that run the length of a joint being waterproofed. These long pieces of flashing may have built-in expansion joints to allow them to flex as the home expands and contracts with changing weather conditions. Another type of flashing is apron flashing, which is placed where pipes or other structures penetrate a roof. This piece of flashing has a central spout opening that can be made from metal for a vent, or plastic for a pipe.

The other kind of flashing is counterflashing, which is placed opposite a piece of base flashing and is often used on chimneys. This helps to ensure that no shingle debris can slip behind the flashing and cause leaks in the roof.

Other types of flashing are step flashing, which is often used at the corners of dormers and other protrusions on a roof, as well as in a valley between two intersecting roof planes. This type of flashing consists of rectangles of metal bent into L-shaped sections, with the bases nailed to the roof and the tops secured to the vertical wall of the dormer or other structure. These pieces overlap each other, much like fish scales, to keep water from seeping in between them. This type of flashing is sometimes paired with kickout flashing, which channels water from the roof into a gutter.


Gutters are an integral part of a roofing system and help to protect the home from moisture damage. They help to direct rainwater away from the house, preventing it from collecting on the roof and leading to rot, rust, mold growth, and water damage to the fascia, soffit, siding, and foundation of the structure. Gutters also prevent water from running down the sides of the building, which can cause erosion and basement flooding. Regular cleaning and maintenance are key to keeping gutters functioning properly.

A well-functioning gutter system will help to extend the lifespan of the roof and the rest of the building components. It will also reduce the risk of moisture damage to wood fascia boards, which can detract from the look of the building and contribute to structural instability. In addition, a well-functioning gutter system will protect the insulation in the attic from becoming wet, which can degrade the insulating value of the building and lead to mold and mildew problems.

When a homeowner notices a leak in the roof or water damage to the gutter system, it is important to have this repaired as quickly as possible. The longer a problem goes untreated, the more damage it can cause to the roofing system, the surrounding building components, and the foundation of the home.

Typically, a repair or replacement will involve the entire gutter. However, if only the damaged area needs to be repaired or replaced, this can be done without removing the entire gutter. The repair process involves cutting out the damaged area, patching it, and coating the gutter with roof cement.

When it comes to gutter repair, it is always a good idea to hire a professional. A professional roofer will have the tools and training to safely clean your gutters, avoiding the potential hazards of climbing a ladder to clean the roof and gutter system. They will also be able to identify any problems, like disconnection of downspouts or cracks in the guttering, that may not be apparent during a basic cleaning. They can also check for broken or non-functioning seals on PVC gutters and rusted sections of the gutter system.

Built-Up Roofing (BUR)

Built-Up Roofing (BUR) systems are a reliable roofing option known for their longevity, durability and waterproofing properties. They have a proven track record of performance and are typically installed on low to medium slope roofs and flat buildings. BUR is composed of multiple layers of asphalt and reinforcing fabrics. These layers are usually applied in a hot asphalt application although other options including cold and self adhering installations may be available depending on building type.

Because of its multi layer design, BUR roofs are extremely durable and resistant to weather, heat and fire. They also have good energy efficiency benefits as they can be adapted to include insulation materials resulting in lower heating and cooling costs.

These roofs are often designed with a surface of aggregate that offers UV protection. It is possible to add a reflective coating for further energy efficiency benefits.

While BUR systems have a number of advantages, they are not without their drawbacks. BUR can be quite heavy requiring the roof structure to be well-engineered. It can also be difficult to install and requires a skilled and experienced roofing contractor. Lastly, it is not as easy to repair as other single-ply roofing systems.

Damage to a BUR system should always be addressed as soon as it is noticed. This helps minimize the potential for water intrusion and can reduce the cost of repairs. The key to effective roof maintenance is routine inspections with prompt attention to any identified problems by a trusted commercial roofing contractor.

Depending on the roof, it is important to have metal flashings properly fastened to the roof parapets and to be sure that the seams between the asphalt layers are sealed well. This will help ensure that the seams do not become water leaks, as they can with some other roof types. Additionally, it is important to check the integrity of the seal around penetrations such as vent pipes and other protrusions on the roof. These areas will be subject to temperature changes, and the joints can become vulnerable if not carefully monitored and maintained.

Roof Repair – What to Do When Your Gutters Are Leaking

The roof is the first line of defense for everything inside your home. It takes a beating during a storm, and each day you wait to call in a professional is one more day that moisture seeps into your home.

Keep an eye out for these indicators that you need to repair your roof. Contact Roof Repair Columbus GA now!

From wind damage to aging, your roof and the shingles that cover it take a beating each year. Sudden severe storms, prolonged cool weather and sun exposure all impact the integrity of your shingles. Even a single cracked or torn shingle can weaken your entire roof and allow water to penetrate, creating a major problem that demands prompt attention.

To fix a damaged shingle, first access your roof from inside the attic or crawl space. If you need to go on the roof itself, use a sturdy ladder and carefully follow all safety precautions. Always wear a hard hat and gloves, and use extra caution if working on a sloped or multi-story home.

Once you have access to the shingle that needs repair, slide your flat pry bar underneath it and run it along the edge, loosening the glue seal and exposing the nail beneath. You may need to do this several times to fully remove the shingle, and you will likely have to loosen the nails in the row above and below it as well.

After you have removed the damaged shingle, replace it with a new one, using the same process to secure it. A little bit of extra roofing cement will help make sure the replacement shingle stays in place, but most importantly, don’t forget to re-nail all the existing shingles in that row as well.

One way to tell if you have an older roof is noticing that your neighbors are making repairs. If every other house on the block has a roof repair job in progress, that’s a good indication that your own shingles are nearing their end of life and need to be replaced.

Cracked or torn shingles also indicate that your roof is overdue for a thorough inspection. Taking the time to catch these issues early can save you money and hassle down the road by allowing you to replace just the affected section of your shingles, rather than your entire roof.

Leaking Gutters

Gutters help to channel water away from the roof and the house’s foundation, so it’s important that they work properly. If a gutter leaks it can lead to serious problems, including damage to the roof and the structure of the home. The first step in fixing a leaking gutter is to determine the cause of the leak. If the water is dripping from the gutters themselves, it may be as simple as needing to clean them. However, if the water is dripping from the fascia or soffit, it is likely a roof problem.

One of the most common reasons for leaking gutters is that they are clogged with leaves, debris, twigs, or other debris. When this happens, the gutters can’t hold water, and water will spill over the sides of the gutters and down the side of the house.

Another reason for leaking gutters is that the joints in the gutters are loose. These can be caused by normal wear and tear or by the expansion and contraction of the gutters as they weather. Loose gutter joints can be repaired by caulking the inside and outside of the joint.

Other causes of leaking gutters include the downspout being too small for the roof area or having insufficient pitch, or there being no flashing where the gutter meets the fascia. If you suspect this is the case, a new downspout or increased pitch may be needed.

If the gutters are leaking at the end caps, this is usually due to damage from pests such as squirrels or rats. These pests chew through the corner of the gutter and allow water to escape. If this is a problem in your home, it may be necessary to replace the gutters altogether.

If the cracks and holes in the gutters are small, a tube of caulk or waterproof sealant can be used to repair them. Clean the area to be patched, then apply the sealant firmly. After applying the sealant, a putty knife can be used to smooth it out and ensure it adheres well. Waterproof tape can also be used to repair these areas if caulk isn’t an option.

Damaged Flashings

Roof flashing is the metal that forms a watertight seal between your roof and chimneys, vent pipes, skylights, dormers or other features. Like other roofing components, flashing is susceptible to damage from inclement weather and age-related deterioration. In some cases, the flashing may need to be replaced rather than repaired.

Corrosion or Rust

Depending on the type of flashing, corrosion can weaken the material and lead to holes that allow water to penetrate your home. Flashing made from steel, copper or zinc is most prone to corrosion, but even tin flashing can experience problems due to exposure to moisture and the elements. Holes in the flashing can also be caused by physical damage, such as when a tree limb falls on the roof and damages the soft metal.

Cracked or Broken Flashing

Inclement weather, especially hail and strong winds, can cause the flashing to crack or break. These defects can allow water to penetrate your roof, leading to rot, mildew and mold in the ceilings and walls of your home.

Loose or Missing Flashing

In addition to allowing water to enter your home, damaged flashing can allow animals and insects access to the attic and living areas of your house. Loose flashing is often the result of old caulking or roofing cement that has deteriorated over time, or it can be caused by the movement of the roof or the flashing.

Repairing flashing is typically a relatively simple task, but it requires careful attention and a good understanding of roofing techniques. You’ll need to purchase replacement flashing, a caulking gun, roofing cement and roofing nails. Ensure that the replacement flashing you purchase is identical in size to the existing flashing, so it will fit properly. You’ll also need a pry bar to carefully remove the existing flashing, taking care not to damage the surrounding shingles.

If the flashing is heavily corroded or missing, a professional should be hired to perform a more extensive roof repair. This will require removing several rows of shingles to gain access to the damaged area, and the replacement will likely involve cutting and installing new flashing. It’s important to have a professional conduct this work to ensure the new flashing is installed correctly and protected from further damage by the underlying roof surface. To prevent the need for such repairs, it’s a good idea to have a professional roofer conduct routine yearly inspections. They’ll be able to spot small issues before they become bigger problems.

Sagging Roof Beams

If you’ve noticed a sagging roof, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the problem. First, it’s important to find out the cause of the sagging, so you can determine the most effective repair solution.

If the sagging is caused by heavy winds, it may be possible to get your homeowner’s insurance company to cover the cost of repairing the damage. However, if the sagging is due to age or neglect, it’s likely that you won’t be able to get your insurer to pay for any repairs.

Another common reason for sagging roofs is undersized rafters or trusses. This can happen if the framing wasn’t done to code or if the original trusses weren’t sized correctly for the sheathing they supported. If this is the case, it can be easy to correct by adding collar ties to prevent the rafters from spreading apart.

You can also try putting in place some temporary support beams to help lift the sagging roof. This can be a simple task if you’re a handy DIYer, but it’s important to be aware of your own limitations and pass on any work that is outside of your skill set.

Another option for sagging roofs is to install a ridge vent. This can help to reduce moisture inside the home, which is one of the most common causes for sagging roofs. It’s a good idea to have your roof inspected regularly to ensure that it is functioning properly.

A small amount of sagging in a roof isn’t necessarily a big deal, but it’s important to get the problem fixed as quickly as possible to avoid further damage. If you ignore the issue, it will only get worse over time and may result in pricier repair costs in the future.

If you’re unsure how to fix the sagging roof, it’s a good idea to contact a professional roofer. They can provide a thorough inspection of your roof and suggest the most effective repair solutions. They can also advise you on whether or not your insurance policy will cover any of the cost.
